How and when does one die? A man once said,, “The idea is to die young as late as possible.”
At 88 years old, Papa never stopped taking adventures even to the point of risking his health and life for the sake of service to his wife, children, friends, and even for people he did not know but who were in need. Isa sa pinaka favorite niya nga passage sa Bible is the story of the good samaritan. In most of our chats about service, he would often ask, “Who is your neighbor?” Is the help that you extend to your neighbor limited only to those whom you like and rub elbows with? Anyone who is in need is your neighbor. Papa has a big heart for the needy. Mao na ang iyang giila nga neighbor, layo man or maduol sa iya in distance. Even ang last niya nga100 pesos sa iyang bulsa ihatag pa gyud na niya basta naay mangayo nga nagkinahanglan kaayo.
Pinaka di niya gusto is kanang dili sya kalaag kay grabe gyud kalaagan. He loves talking to people from all walks of life regardless of status, ma bata, ma tiguwang, babae, lalaki, niwang tambok, gwapa, gwapo, batig nawng basta tawo, dili alien hehehe. He was very empathetic. He is no cynic. He always look for the good in every person. He valued character over status.
Papa taught us that public service is noble and necessary; that one can serve with integrity and hold true to the important values like faith and family. He strongly believed that it was important to give back to the community in which one lived. He recognized that serving others enriched the giver’s soul.
He taught us what it means to be a wonderful father, grandfather, and great grand-father. He was firm in his principles and supportive as we began to seek our own ways. He encouraged and comforted, but never steered. We tested his patience..I know I did… but he always responded with the great gift of unconditional love.
Papa never missed church. He was always ready every Sunday to go and attend fellowship and service. He loved his churchmates. He enjoyed ministry and gave of his resources. He loved staying after church for fellowship with other believers. He just loved God’s family. And he loved reading and memorizing the Word of God. He lived by God’s word.
Papa was very intelligent. We all know that and we have seen that. One week before he was hospitalized, gihatag niya sa ako ang iyang original copy sa iyang picture..that newspaper publication that he graduated Cum Laude in college. He told me to make copies of it and distribute to my siblings because he wanted us to remember how intelligent he was. Despite his struggles in college, working full time in Congress while going to school in the evening, he managed to graduate with honors.
He liked to laugh. He laughed at silly jokes, silly shows, silly people and if there’s nothing to laugh about, he laughed at himself. He could tease and needle, but never out of malice. He placed good value on a good joke.
He was a serious and disciplined man, but he could never resist the opportunity to have a laugh with friends and loved ones, given half the chance.
He loved music. Oh, how he loved the old, romantic songs. He sings them by heart. He listened to the songs of Frank Sinatra, Andy Williams, Matt Monroe and their contemporaries meditatively and heartily. In fact, he often gave us copies of his favorite songs so we can listen to them like he did.
He was close to perfect as a father. All 10 of us siblings have a unique bonding and closeness with him. He just knew how to adjust to our different personalities with ease and style. His favorite random statement was “I love you” and meant it. He was always there to help and encourage us. He knew each of our limitations and managed to navigate within our area of boundaries. He appreciated every detail of our stories no matter how lousy it was. Mo "wow" lang gihapon siya bisan lousy ang among istorya. There was a time in the hospital when I was alone with him and he needs to be lifted. I tried to lift him up pro di ko kadaug sa iya. He told me, “Ka bulalo mo bel” but with a wink in his eye and a smile on his face. And we just laughed together so heartily.
Finally, everyday in his 63 years of marriage, Papa adhered to the adage, “Happy wife, happy life.” He taught our husbands how to be great husbands by example. He married his childhood sweetheart. He adored her. He loved her. He served her. He laughed and cried with her. He was totally dedicated to her, our Mama Luz.
Papa, we are going to remember you for exactly that and so much more.
And we’re going to miss you terribly. Your decency, sincerity and kind soul will stay with us forever. Through our tears, we will always see the blessings of knowing and having you as our father - a great and noble man, a great father that a son or daughter could ever have.
And in our grief, we will smile knowing that you have done God’s will through thick and thin of spreading His word to every person you come across with. In the middle of rejection, you were cool. You never ran out of strategies. If in the physical world, you were known as a political strategist, in God’s kingdom your strategies manifested after you stopped for prayer and relied on God’s leading in sharing the Word to as many people as you can. I would say that was your finest hour of being a gifted strategist.
It’s difficult to imagine that you’re not around physically anymore and how we are going to cope.
As we gather here today to remember and commemorate your life Pa, we bid you farewell as we mourn the loss of a lively, dignified soul. A soul that brought t joy and fulfillment to many, and whose legacy will live on forever.
Soar high old man. And akong maas tulo ray ngipon. Dili gusto pataod pustiso. I can see that smile again in your face when I tease you with that endearment Pa.
I will love you forever. Till we meet again someday, but this time dili ra tulo imung ngipon. You will have that complete set of white, shiny teeth.
Lastly, let me say this, Artemio Rosal Radaza, Sr., you did good. You did real good, Major.
Farewell and final salute.